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A freaking fucking hell of a long post...

Its been quite some time. Hmmm.


Yes, it has been quite some time since I updated my about what's going around me.

Well, I did not think then! Someone made me think.

I haven't really post about what's going on here in Birmingham since I came over. I mean I did post a little on another blog, but I forgot not everyone reads the other blog other than my ex-S.A.M classmates. I'm sorry guys if you couldn't catch up with me, and if I haven't been able to catch up with you guys. The time difference is quite hard to catch up with anyone crossing over eight time zones. Anyhow, I'll try to make up by going thru what I could remember since I came here aight? Why the hell am I asking the reader's question? Not like its some instant messaging where the reader will reply a.s.a.p. Silly Me...

Oh! I haven't been really showing you guys my campus did I? To be honest, I can't believe I'm in love with the campus you know. Its so "green". As in there's trees, grass, flowers, squirells, birds, and more trees around the campus. Its as thought I'm in a university that is major in Ecology. Oh, my university is also called the Fair Trade University (http://www.fairtrade.org.uk). Why? Its because they sell fair trade items around campus, and they're promoting/encouraging fair trade among the students & staffs alike. Okay, less talk and more picts!

This is the main campus building. Its called as the Aston Webb Building. This is where all the main events are being held and also the administrative works going on. Argh! Damn! I forgot to take the interior on this building! The main reception looks like a 5 fucking star rated hotel. Okay, maybe 6 fucking stars. But I'll show you one day when I too the pict.

This is the view of a small part of the campus. See the building on the left? Its the law building. And if you can see the building hidden behind those trees, that's the main library. I was told that there's 7 library owned by the university. One is the main library, another one is in Selly Oak Campus(about half a mile away), one is in the city(the School of Dentistry), and another is in the Medical Building. I can't figure out where is the other 3 more library. The main library would suffice me as the main library is as big as Taylor's College, not the library of Taylor's College.

Well, I arrived here on the 24th of September. Its a Sunday night I remember. I first hated my accommodation. But now I have come to love it. Well, not really loving it. But am glad to get a good one secured. Although I would prefer to go to other accommodation. I don't have any pict of my accommodation, so you all have to wonder how it looks like. Just go to Google Earth and type in "B5 7QF". That is exactly where I am staying. Its called Hunter Court.

Few weeks after I arrived here, I joined the Singaporean Society to go to Warwick and have a tour around the castle. Its a really nice and old medievil castle. Nicely preserved.

This is the view of one side of the castle. Its really nice and calm, but at the same time...creepy like shits!!!

There...Madame I don't know who the fucking hell is that. Ahahaha!!! I can't remember what it said about this lady. I'm just taking for the sake of taking pictures. This picture was taken in Madame Tussaud(I think that's how they spell it) of Warwick castle.

Its the view from inside the castle, a wax model of maid overlooking the garden of the castle from inside.

This is another view of the magnificent garden in the castle. I forgot what is it called! The view from top of the garden is certainly breathtaking.

I guess the picture speaks for itself.

Oh, if you haven't been talking to me lately. I joined quite a number of society in the uni as well. I joined, Far Eastern Connection, Malaysian Society, Jazz and Blues Society, Singapore Society, and also Photography Society. But I am more involved in Photography Society. PhotoSoc usually have quite a number of socials and also trips to take pictures around. I went for one last week, doing some night shots in the city. These few are my work I reckon the best I've taken out of hundreds over shots.

There's nothing much to shout about this. Its taken outside a cafe called Costa. The cafe was closed, and so I took the picture of the logo and the reflection of a christmas tree. If you notice, a stupid head ruined the shot.

Mushrooms!!! Nah...Its just a building's arcitechture. This part of the section in Bullring belongs to Selfridges(The 2nd most expensive stores in the UK, after Harolds).

This has gotta be my favourite shot taken in the city. Its taken at the stairs down The Birmingham Symphony Hall. I choose the pict to be B&W because it presents better in B&W rather than coloured.

Well, that's all the picture taken in the city worth showing. Others is just plain rubish. Oh btw, if you are going to call me a geek for being in photography club. Think again. Because I was thinking the same thing as well. But the club turns out to be whole bunch of cool people! And for the guys, there is about 70% of members are girls. And they're real HOT girls. Something I wouldn't expect. Lucky ME!

Oh! Some of you might already know. But last saturday, I went to Cadbury World! Yes! The BIG FUCKING CHOCOLATE FACTORY! It was hell lots of chocs around. We got pretty sick of chocs at the end of the day though.

Yes, this is the biggest Cadbury shop in the world. Selling only Cadbury's product. All range of chocolates from Cadbury. *Singing to the song, what a wonderful world....*

We get to play with chocolates! Everyone were writting down their initials and drawings on a marble table with chocolates.

Free chocolates treats! We get a cup full of liquify chocolates with any toppings we want. This one is with marshmallow!

Well, I want to show more picts taken in Cadbury world. But I'm too lazy and I'm concern about my reader dehydrating from saliva dripping all over their keyboard because of the picts. Ahahahahha!!!

Oh, I also found out that Frakfurt Christmas Market was in town as well! So few of us went over for some PORKS!!!

Look at this...Get what it mean? No? I'll show you what it is then...

It means its good for one Pork Steak Burger!!! Yummylicous!!!

This german guy cooking the pork steak was kind enough to pose in the picture for me! Look at the pork steaks on the grill...Looks delicous hurh?! Damn, I'm hungry now.

Do you get what this means then? No? I'll show you again!

German Sausages!!! Its a pict of a bunch of us eating away the juicy and succulent sausages!

Anyhow, I wish I could continue writing. But I couldn't. I'm getting headache already. I'll try to post more soon. Till then...

First one says "good for one steak." Second one says "Nurenberg sausages with sauerkraut(pickled cabbages)"

Pork burgers?

You know what I mean... :)

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About me

  • I'm Soo Guan, Ng
  • From Malaysia
  • This isA stupid thing
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